Kansas Craigslist Sperm Donor Twist

A new twist in the Craigslist sperm donor case in Kansas has emerged. Back in 2009, a same-sex couple sought out a sperm donor via Craigslist so they could start a family. The two women and the man they found signed an agreement and a baby was conceived. Fast forward some time and the women…

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A Case of Stolen Sperm?

In an extremely bizarre lawsuit, a man in Louisiana is suing a a sperm bank after he claims the company gave his donated sperm to his ex. According to the news piece, the sperm donation was made specifically for another woman but it somehow got into the hands of his ex-girlfriend. The woman walked into…

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Bill Singer, Esq.

Judges Starting to Uphold Co-Parenting Agreements

In a groundbreaking decision, on February 22, 2013, the Kansas Supreme Court found that a co-parenting agreement between two unmarried people is enforceable and is in the best interest of the child. As a result, the court held that the agreement governs the couple’s relationship with the child.  The court recognized that through such a…

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When Surrogacy Gets Complicated…

What would you or anyone do if they were in this extremely sensitive situation? A couple, who were already parents to three had sought out a surrogate so they could add to their family since the mother of three was unable to have more children. The surrogate selected was not a friend or someone they knew, it…

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Court Ruling: Biological Father Has No Custody or Paternity Rights

Actor Jason Patric has lost a custody and paternal rights battle with his ex-girlfriend. A judge ruled against him despite never having done anything wrong. The couple who were together for numerous years split up in 2009. At the time of the breakup, Patric offered his sperm to his ex provided he had nothing to…

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Who Owns a Donor’s Sperm?

An interesting Israeli case involving a woman who resides in Florida has brought the question of donated sperm ownership to light. A woman who purchased sperm to have her first child, later bought 5 additional samples from the same donor through a sperm bank. She decided to have the samples frozen so that when she…

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Why a Contract Can Make a Difference

A new judgement in the United Kingdom could potentially affect thousands of couples. The ruling which permits men who help families conceive allows them the ability to win the right to play a part in the life of the child. According to the ruling by the High Court, a sperm donor does not need to…

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The End of Anonymous Sperm Donors?

More and more government authorities are declaring that the right to know who your biological parents are is a “basic human right”. Just this week, a court in Germany found that children of sperm donors have a right to know who their fathers are. Given that about 100,000 kids in Germany have been born to…

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Florida Judge Recognizes 3-Parent Family

Yes, even Florida can show leadership in recognizing parenting partnerships! There was a groundbreaking case this week in Florida, in which a Miami-Dade judge legally recognized a three-parent family, with a single dad and a lesbian couple as the child’s three legal parents. Florida is not the only state to have recognized three-parent families; other…

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When A Parent Is Not A Parent

Prospective parenting partners, take note: how you plan your family doesn’t always match up with how the law is written, so you need to know what the law says, as the Jonathan Sporn case that is currently playing out in NY State so painfully points out. The below well-written article by Ginia Bellafonte for the…

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