Australian State Government To Release Donor Info

In what appears to be an ongoing trend throughout the world, the topic of anonymous sperm donor rights are once again making headlines, this time, in Australia. This isn’t as simple as releasing the records, what the Health Minister plans to establish a central, government-run register of donor records. This could set a new standard…

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Co-Parenting Topics to Discuss

Parenting partnerships, or co-parenting as it’s often referred to isn’t something we just decide we want to do one day and make happen overnight. There are so many variables to consider and discuss prior to entering into a non-romantic parenting relationship with someone else. From the basics of responsibility to the more complex issues of…

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Three Legal Parents

Things are definitely changing and evolving within the United States. Little by little, court decisions are changing laws and in some states, it is now legal to have up to three parents for a child. There are  many instances where this type of scenario would work for some families, and in the case of parenting…

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NY Bill Mandates Parenting Courses

Everyone can benefit from education, right? But what about parenting classes? Do they really work and who is to say how someone should parent? Everyone is unique and different and have their own perceptions on how to raise children. There are so many elements that could potentially affect a parenting style. The state of New…

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3 Parents, 1 Baby…New Canadian Law Is Game Changer

When a child is born, and parents are filling out the birth certificate, there are normally two lines; one for the mother and one for the father. But, it’s 2014 and family dynamics are not necessarily as black and white as two lines suggest. With so many different possible scenarios for what constitutes a family,…

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NY Landmark Court Ruling For Parenting Partnership Adoptions

Two friends in New York who have known each other for over a decade have been attempting to become parents together. The friends are not in a romantic relationship, nor do they live together. Their ideal situation was to be in a committed parenting partnership. After attempts at pregnancy, the friends were unsuccessful in getting…

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Craigslist Sperm Donor Case Coming to an End

In what seems to be a never-ending court case, it appears as if the current judge hearing the Kansas sperm donor case is about to make a ruling. The Kansas Department for Children and Families filed the case in October of 2012 against a man who donated sperm to a same-sex couple. The women had posted…

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CA Surrogate Agent Found Guilty

Some justice for some hopeful parents came out of a court sentencing earlier this week in California. In an unfortunate fraud case where a California surrogate parenting agent collected money from clients and never delivered on services paid for, a judge has ordered restitution in the amount of $1.7 million dollars. When considering any type…

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Donor is a Donor, not a Dad

Is a known sperm donor a dad, or just a donor? What if the donor was in the child’s life for the first few years? Well, in California, unless an agreement was signed prior to conception, the donor is just a donor. Actor Jason Patric has been making headlines for the past several months over…

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Who Is The Parent?

A question that comes up often when discussing parenting partnershipss is about the legality of the parents. Who is considered a parent? With so many varieties of parents – single parenthood, same-sex couples, multiple parent families and parenting partnerships being the norm now, Judges and lawmakers are being forced to hurry up and catch up…

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