In what appears to be an ongoing trend throughout the world, the topic of anonymous…
05/12/2014 | read more »
If you’re already in a co-parenting or known donor relationship where you and your parenting partner are collaborating to raise a child, then you know that parenting partners have unique needs for their unique relationship. FamilyByDesign is here to help you navigate the process of co-parenting once your child is born by providing you with tools and resources that will help you along your journey.
First, we encourage parenting partners who are raising kids to find and chat with others like themselves in the “Current Co-Parents” section of our Town Square, which you can find here!
Additionally, we hope the information and tools provided in this “co-parenting for parenting partners” section will be of use to you, as you and your parenting partner(s) go down the path of sharing in the experience of raising a child together, and will help you towards your goals of raising happy, healthy and well adjusted children. If you have suggestions for additional issues and information you’d like to see covered in this section, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
If you're currently raising a very young child in a parenting partnership, you know that there will come a day when your child starts to ask questions about your family. While kids who are 2 or 3 years old aren't likely to be aware there is any other type of family than their own, this… read more »