Modern Family Star Having Modern Baby

Sofia Vergara and her fiancee Nick Loeb are trying to have a baby using a close friend of the Modern Family star as surrogate, according to the tabloids and news reports. The couple will reportedly find out next week if all three of them are expecting. Sofia and Nick will be the biological parents of the child. A close friend of Sofia has agreed to carry the engaged couple’s baby and reportedly underwent the first procedure. The actress has publicly stated that she had hoped for a sibling for her 21-year old son but her career had pushed that aside.

In this current season of Modern Family, the actress was pregnant and had her second child, with a 15 year age difference to her T.V. son. So was the story line influenced by her personal decision or did the storyline play a part in convincing the actress that she was ready for another child? Either way, it’s a wonderful story of friends and surrogacy. There are reports that her fiancee is a bit apprehensive about having Sophia’s close friend be the surrogate which brings up a good point. How close is too close? In this instance, the birth mother has no biological ties to the child but is still carrying the child to term. Will there be an emotional connection from her friend and are these topics that have been discussed prior to this agreement? And emotions could also come up from the biological mother who is not carrying her child.

The National Fertility Association suggests that everyone involved in a surrogacy should have a mental screening before the process to assure they are mentally able to cope with the problems associated with surrogacy. This includes meeting with a licensed behavioral therapist who will determine if you can handle someone else carrying your child, if you have exhausted all other fertility options and how you will explain the surrogacy to your family and the child.


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