Do Men Want Babies?

We all know women in their thirties who are single. And a lot of those women are ready to start families, their biological clocks are ticking, as they say. But what about men in their thirties who are single? Do we crave families as well? Absolutely. Not all men have that fatherly instinct and we don’t all want a family, but within that mix, we baby wanters, do exist. It’s not common to hear men speaking about wanting families, as if it’s taboo for some reason. But I think at some point in every man’s life, they have fantasized about what it would be like to have a child or how they would be a parent. I know as a kid, I always strategically planned to be the complete opposite of how my parents were with me when I had kids. But when do these fantasies become cravings?

Not all men are cut out for parenthood. The thought of crying babies, dirty diapers and a complete change in lifestyle terrifies men. Personally, when I visit my friends who are in relationships and have babies, they always want me to experience a day in their shoes. I’ve happily accepted their challenges on numerous occasions and in the end, when my friends think I will run screaming towards the door, I surprise them and stay a bit longer. So what’s a single guy in his thirties to do?

The most common and immediate response to that question is to continue the search for an ideal romantic partner. But what if that person is just nowhere to be found? This concept of parenting partnerships has opened my eyes to the potentials of actually being a dad and not having to do it on my own. The success of parenting partnerships comes from connecting two people who are both committed, responsible and loving people. Coming together and deciding beforehand the roles, finances, and involvement is the real beauty of parenting partnerships.

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