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Why are there so many recipients that have no clue?

    • 3 posts
    December 27, 2013 10:37:39 PM EST
    I've run across SOOO many woman who are either NOT ready, NOT serious, have NO clue, are on here for the WRONG reason etc etc. Even with the "matching" features, I've found that many women don't even respond when you send them a message. Does anyone have a clue where to find the SERIOUS women that are READY and truly interested in going through this journey together? I'm in Los Angeles and one would think that it wold be easier to find a match.. I'm probably one of the most easy going guys on here, who have taken the time to understand not only the aspect of co-parenting, but also educated himself as far as the many medical/fertility issues that plague women. I'm open to ANY ethnicity, social/economical/religious or non religious background as well as being open to just about any arrangement as far as living arrangements for the child. Please feel free to msg me here or txt/call me at 213 986 7789. Gregory.
  • December 27, 2013 10:47:53 PM EST
    Gregory, you have brought up an excellent issue, some members dont have the commom courtesy to respond to emails the whole effort to get match with a coparent seems a true waste of time and.efforts
  • Anonymous
    February 14, 2014 4:36:26 PM EST
    Oi,Gregory realmente você tem razão,existem mulheres que tentamos inúmeras vezes nos comunicar,pois vemos que pelos seus perfis estão próximas a nós,porém não sei acho que esperam um principe encantado ou estão com medo dos homens ou ainda no fundo querem um casamento?Graças a Deus que encontrei parece que encontrei uma aberta a conversas.Mas não desanime e mulheres respondam o meu amigo com sim ou não e por que?boa sorte Gregory
    • 10 posts
    November 7, 2019 3:49:18 AM EST

    小编得知,在泰国野葛根当中含有一些可以诱导异黄酮的成分 ,而女性本身也能够自然的分泌一些雌激素 ,这种异黄酮跟女性朋友的雌激素在结构方面有一定的相似性,所以,它也被认为是大自然的植物雌激素 ,利用它能够很好的补充雌激素,当人体雌激素充足的情况下。