
Upcoming Book

FAMILY BY DESIGN: THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO SUCCESSFULLY FINDING A PARENTING PARTNER AND NAVIGATING THE CO-PARENTING PROCESS is the authoritative resource on parenting partnerships and a comprehensive guide to approaching the process. This book, by modern family expert Darren Spedale, is scheduled for release in early 2013. Mr. Spedale has conducted in-depth, detailed interviews with dozens of parenting partners who are currently co-parenting for this book, and the information and take-aways of this book reflect their knowledge and their advice for prospective parenting partners.  The book also includes vital information as provided by several of today’s leading expert professional authorities on parenting partnerships, including experts in the legal, medical, psychological and financial fields.

The book provides in-depth answers to the most important questions around parenting with a non-romantic partner, such as: What exactly are parenting partnerships and what are the arguments for and against them? How do parenting partnerships work and why should I consider one? Where would I find my parenting partner? What issues do I need to address before, during, and after the process of becoming a parent in a parenting partnership? And many more.

Family By Design is a must-read for anyone who is considering a parenting partnership for themselves, or simply for those who are interested in learning more about this quickly growing parenting trend.