Parenting Advice for the Royals…or You


It’s almost time for the Royal Baby, and websites all over the world are offering their best advice to the soon to be new parents…as if they need it. The Royals most likely have a fully trained staff at hand to assist with every diaper change, feeding and nap time, but what about the rest of us? If anything, at least we can benefit from the advice being given to Will and Kate. Below is a top 10 list of tips to “new parents” compiled for the Royal couple. The tips come from leading parenting experts.


Here are the top 10 tips for Will, Kate and other new parents:

1. “No new parent is supposed to know exactly what to do all the time. Do not look to strive for perfection. Instead, seek help, take advice, ask lots of questions, but don’t expect to get it all right.”

2. “Remember and say to yourself, ‘This too shall pass.’”

3. “Make sure you use help from family and friends. Don’t try to do everything yourself; let them help you. The help won’t be there forever so take advantage.”

4. “Many people will give you advice. Take it with a grain of salt and just go with what works best for you and your baby. Don’t worry about what other people are doing.”

5. “Allow yourselves plenty of time to simply cuddle with and marvel at your baby. It goes by fast — enjoy it.”

6. “If you choose to breastfeed, know that you both have some learning to do, so be patient, relax and you’ll both be happy that you did.”

7. “Don’t go crazy buying things for the baby. Right from the start we get paranoid that we’re inadequate; we think we need all this stuff. Really, you just need the basics.”

8. “Try to have good communication with your partner or spouse. If it’s the first baby, three is kind of an unstable number. One person can end up doing more than the other. Be kind to each other and remember that you are creating the environment the child will grow up in, so try to keep it as stress-free as possible.”

9. “You will be sleep-deprived so don’t worry about things like keeping the house clean. The most important thing is to take care of yourself as well as the baby, so if it’s between a nap and cleaning up the kitchen, take the nap.”

10. “If you’re hearing the same piece of advice more than three times from family, friends or in-laws, listen to it. It’s probably important.”



These tips were gathered from Jennifer Kolari, a child and family therapist and author of Connected Parenting: How to Raise a Great KidCindy Smolkin, a child and family therapist and the clinical director at Connected Parenting; and Shari Nelson, a sales representative at City Parent.

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