New Parenting Trends; Hit or Miss?

New “parenting trends” are always emerging and although some might be useful or inspirational, others are just plain silly or fun. With trending being the new trend, for lack of a better description, we share with you some upcoming new parenting trends for the new year. Do you think any of these will actually take off? Let us know via twitter or our Facebook page.

Postpartum corsets: Celebrity post-baby body stories seem to be fueling a new trend — mom corsets. New moms are very interested in these old-school body shapers to shrink hips and tummies after a baby, even if some of them come with a pretty hefty price tag.

Baby teeth jewelry: Discussions are popping up about commemorating the big moment when their grade-schoolers lose their first tooth by turning it into jewelry, such as a rings, pendants, charm bracelets and necklaces with crystals. According to the site, listings have popped up on offering an array of different ideas of ways to turn baby teeth into wearable jewelry.

Preconception pineapple core and/or pomegranate juice: Women trying to conceive have long looked for different methods and even tricks to speed up the process. The pineapple core and pomegranate juice trend is based on the idea that both aid in implantation.

Skull theory: New moms are buzzing about skull theory, in which people guess the baby’s gender based on its skull shape. The increase in early ultrasounds and the growing interest in gender reveals have certainly influenced this trend.

Birthday boom: Half-birthdays are shaping up to be the “it” milestone of 2014. Parents are sharing their baby’s milestones with a wider audience, and celebrating in increasingly creative ways. Considering the rise in half-birthday celebrations, there’s also an increased use of birthday crowns — from simple leaf garlands to elaborate handmade creations — to accessorize and personalize a child’s birthday.

via BabyCenter.Com

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