In what appears to be an ongoing trend throughout the world, the topic of anonymous…
05/12/2014 | read more »
Of all the issues that parenting partners need to address, the legal issues are often the most complex. Issues such as drafting a co-parenting agreement, understanding what the law requires of parents, and even figuring out just who is a legal parent can vary by jurisdiction. In the United States alone, where family law is regulated by the individual states, this means 50 sets of rules for prospective parenting partners!
Fortunately, FamilyByDesign is here to help untangle some of this complexity. Our state-by-state analysis will help you figure out the most important issues you should consider for a parenting partnership in your state, and we’ll more broadly tackle the big-picture issues like co-parenting agreements and known donor agreements. Want more info? Ask a question to our legal expert on parenting partnerships!
[Note: Because every person’s situation is different, and because the law frequently changes, is not clearly established, or is interpreted in different ways by different courts, you should not rely on the information presented herein for legal advice about your specific situation. We always recommend a consultation with local legal counsel before taking action.]
One key question we get from prospective parents is: Just who is a parent? That determination is generally controlled by state law. When a person is legally determined to be a parent, that adult has the right to live with the child and has the right to make decisions about the child’s health, education and… read more »
Individuals who are considering raising a child or children together, but who are not in a legally recognized relationship with each other, should formalize their intentions and desires in a written document. These documents are called co-parenting agreements. We note that there is no guarantee that a court will enforce a co-parenting agreement, even if… read more »
In addition to co-parenting, where both adults contemplate sharing the legal rights and responsibilities of being a parent, another form of parenting partnerships may involve a “known sperm donor” – sometimes just referred to as a “known donor”. From a literal use of the terminology, one might assume that a “known donor” is a person… read more »