New Jersey

Can a known donor renounce his legal obligations as a parent?

Yes, if physician intermediary is used, the known donor’s legal rights will be cut off (unless otherwise specified by the biological parents).

What if a known donor attempts to enforce his parental rights when the original intent was to be a sperm donor only?

It could be possible; in a 1977 NJ case where an unmarried woman conceived a child through the sperm donation of a known donor, the known donor was considered the father by a court despite the fact that the couple was not married.

Does the state allow for second-parent adoption (i.e., for same-sex couples)?

Yes.  New Jersey will also recognize parentage of a same-sex partner of a woman who conceives through donor insemination without second-parent adoption, if they are in a legally recognized relationship.

Does the state allow for multiple-parent families (when the child has more than two adults in a parenting role)?

There is anecdotal evidence that multiple-parent families have been allowed by some courts.

Does the state recognize “de-facto” or “psychological” parentage (of an “acting” parent without a biological connection)?
