First Preview of Delivery Man

We recently posted about a new movie that was being made with Vince Vaughn.  Delivery man is a remake of a Canadian film, Starbuck, which tells the story of one man who donated sperm as a young man and through an error at the clinic, he inadvertantly became an anonymous donor and biological father to over 500 children. The what appears to be a comedy with some heavy dramatic injections is set to be released later this year. The film is an exaggeration of a rare possibility but opens up the dialogue of, “what if?”

With so many court battles around the world occurring where children of anonymous sperm donors are trying to legally find their biological parents, this movie couldn’t come at a better time. Legal cases of donors seeking out parental rights are also in the news. Click the link below to watch the first preview of Delivery Man.

Delivery Man Preview

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